Camporn Timid Hearts wa Nejimagaru - Haikyuu Cuckolding
(RTS!!5) [Bee-Hearts (北ヶ丘アド)] TimidHeartsは捻じ曲がる (ハイキュー!!)
#162424 - ” “Ohhhhhhh god,” she gasped as two alligator clips were attached to her nipples, which momentarily stunned her with the kind of intense pain a normal person would pass out from!!! “Is that painful, my child,” he asked evenly, “I certainly hope so!?!” “Y-yes,” she gasped, “it hurts so badly, ohhhhhhhhhhh god it hurts!!!” “Good,” he commented, “now to the business at hand, I think congratulations are in order, I hear that you are with child!!!” “H-how did you know that,” she asked while fighting the burning in her nipples, “I-I’ve told hardly anyone!?!” “You disappoint me, child,” he chided her, “I know everything about all my children, and getting pregnant is big news indeed!!!” “How could he have known,” she thought to herself, “unless he knew Dr.
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